Our flagship Lease software is designed to take care of your lease accounting and management needs. From providing your accountant with book and tax accounting figures to billing and collecting from your client, our software can fulfill the needs of vehicle, equipment and Lease Here Pay Here (LHPH) lessors.
Our programmers at A.L.S. will program the exact payoff type based on your customer’s contractual obligation to you. The system allows up to 20 different payoff types. Whether you use rule of 78's, level yield, simple interest or a custom calculation, you will always get an accurate up to the minute payoff. You define the penalties for early termination, disposition, and purchase options fees for each payoff scenario. A daily report is generated that includes all payoffs quoted that day. A history is available for each account detailing the last five payoffs quoted. Payoffs may be calculated to any future date.
At termination you have the flexibility to waive or assess charges as needed. If an asset is being returned, you have the flexibility to assess or waive charges as well as track and bill deficiencies after the asset has been disposed of.
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